Testimonials from 1892 to Today


First Cancer statistics always mislead.

Cancer statistics tell the number of people who die solely from cancer, not from the side effects of cancer or other causes with cancer present.

In 2001 the American Medical Association published research on the causes of death of women aged 55+ who died within 30 months of breast cancer diagnosis.

Within this 30 month period 15% died.

Of the 15% who died, 49% died from conditions other than their cancer.

In simple terms, from these statistics, we can conclude half of breast cancer patients die without being cured of breast cancer but are cured as far as the statistics are concerned. Therefore doubling the death rate for breast cancer sufferers is a truer indication of the success of breast cancer treatments that what we are told. It is very easy to misrepresent figures to achieve ones goals, as we can see from this research showing misleading facts.

In Australia in 2005 38,380 died just from cancer .

In Australia in 2005 53,066 died from cancer or other causes while suffering from cancer. The conditions were listed jointly on their death certificate but not the condition causing death. This would have increased cancer figusres by 40%. Therefore statistically these people were diagnosed with cancer but wll be considered cured as they will never appear as having died from the condition. Namely...

Heart diseases 3,197
Pneumonia / flue 2,901
Respiratory diseases 2,410
Renal failure 2,249
Diabetes 1,995
Cerebrovascular 1,512
Septicaemia 1,438
Heart_failure 1,354
Liver_diseases 1,166
Organic_disorders 789

In 14,686 of the total 53,066 cases, 1, 2 or 3 of the conditions above appeared on the death certificate as the cause of death. The cancer is noted not the cause of death.
Statistically we are not told the true number for cancer, in these mortality stats, 40% more people actually had cancer than we thought was the case.

There is no way of knowing what effect their chemo had on the immune system causing pneumonia/flue or scepsemia (blood poisoning)? What causes organic disorders?
Did the respiratory cases have lung cancer or the liver diseases liver cancer?
Had the Heart diseases, Heart_failure etc had cancer surgery?